਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ confintea JAPSE list1਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Japanese Domestic Grass-roots Meeting for CONFINTEA Ⅵ
਍ഀ CSOs ReportSocial Education/Adult Education in Japan
਍ഀ The places corrected in English version

1. The places corrected (Jan. 7, 2010 & July 12, 2011)  in English version: from wrong to correct

਍ഀ 1) in the 'Preface', L7-8
਍ഀ   from 'Some of the CSOs members had contact with the National Commission of UNESCO in Japan'
਍ഀ          to 'Some of the CSOs members contact with the National Commission of UNESCO in Japan'
਍ഀ 2) in the 'Editor’s note for translation'
਍ഀ   L1 from 'There are' to 'There is'
਍ഀ   L6 from 'had changed form those’ →‘had changed from those’〔corrected on July 12, 2011〕
਍ഀ   L12 from '1. Fundamental Law of Education →Basic Education Law'
਍ഀ          to '1. Fundamental Law of Education → Basic Act on Education'
਍ഀ 3) in the 'Editor's note', L2
਍ഀ   from 'Nest we planed to translate this in to English by the responsibility of each organization and each writers.'
਍ഀ          to 'Next we planed to translate this into English by the responsibility of each organization and each writer.'

2. The places corrected (Jan. 7, 2010)  in Japanese version: from wrong to correct

਍ഀ  in the 'Editor’s note for translation'
਍ഀ   L12 from '1.Fundamental Law of Education →Basic Education Act'
਍ഀ          to '1. Fundamental Law of Education → Basic Act on Education'
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20100107 Srart2011/7/12 renewal
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